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1961 Newbery Medal
Amazon.com Review
Scott O'Dell won the Newbery Medal for Island of the Blue Dolphins in 1961, and in 1976 the Children's Literature Association named this riveting story one of the 10 best American children's books of the past 200 years.
Comments by Maddy C., K. W., Logan B., Emily S., Megan E., Kalley L., Emily U., Bayleigh B., Kaitlyn W., Josh B., Tadd W., Laney T., Justin L., Alexis S., Codie S., Jacob C., Claire E., Tevin W., Caroline C., Sidney W., Jamie T., Kaden C., Nick L., Josh S., Rylie R., Ryan W., Lauren K., Kaitlyn S., Olivia T., Madi A., John Austin S., Grace F., Hannah S., Caroline C., Akiko T., Connor R., Kyle C., Travis B., Michaela R., Parker K., Alex A., Travis O., Victoria M., Maia B., Sam C., Caitlyn W., Sean G., Meridith C., Sarah S., Ben A., Angela J., Zimri R., Abigail W., Kyle S., 5th grade class of Ms. Lacson
Summary Island of the blue dolphins
Island of the blue dolphins was really exciting. I was sad in some parts, happy, and supprised. I would recomend this book to anyone that like adventures! It was a great book! I think people that like suprises and a little of all the emotions in book.
K.W., 5th
5 Stars
A girl named Karana was stranded on an island with her brother,Ramo. Ramo died because of a pack of wild dogs, Karana was all alone now.She almost killed the leader of the wild dogs, but she helped heal him instead.After 18 long years the white men came to get her.
I think this is one of the best books i've ever read, because it was exciting and adventurous.
5 stars
Maddy C., 5th
summary of Island ofthe Blue Dolphins
it was about a girl named Karana that got stranded on an island. She made friends with an aluet and a wild dog. In the end she got rescued.
it was a wonderful book
Logan,B 5th grade
3 stars
Island of the blue dolphins is about a girl named karana she gets sranded with her brother and soon he dies. Now she is by herself makeing weapons, finding food and lots of things that go against her tribe but she has to do it. Finaly some comes and rescue her.
This book is very good it has adveture and i recommend it to everyone.4 stars
Dean 5th
One indian tribe lived on an island. Ramo was still on the island so Karana jumped out of the boat to stay with him. Ramo died and Karana was alone with the wild dogs. After several years the whiteman saved her and her pets.
It was a good book. It was sad when Ramo died. it was funny when Ramo was pretending to be chief. I recomend this book.
4 stars
Megan E., 5th
summary of Island of the Blue Dolphins
Karana is in an indian tribe that lives on the Island of the Blue Dolphins. When some white men come to take the tribe off the island Karana and Ramo get left behind on the island. Soon after the ship leaves Ramo gets attacked by the wild dogs and dies. Karana now is alone on the island and has no one to talk to. Soon after many years the Aluets come again and rescue Karana.
I think that the book is very exciting. I really liked it.
4 stars
Emily S., 5th grade
Summary of the Island of the Blue Dolphins
This is a wonderful family story. I think Karana has a lot of courage,confidence and determination for what she does. To me the book is an unforgetfull and moving story.I give this book four stars.
Bayleigh B. 5th Grade
summer of the island of the blue dolphins
The book is mainly about a girl named Karana.The boat ends up leaving her all alone on a island. But she ends up doing very well on the island by her self. The book had a lot of action and I loved it.
T.M., 5th
4 stars
summary of Island of the Blue Dolphins
There is a girl,Karana, who gets stranded on an island and has to survive several years there. She had her brother but a pack of wild dogs kills him. She is all alone wondering if the ship that took the rest of the tribe will ever come back for her like they said they would.
It was a great book and it had a lot of action. It always left you wondering what's going to happen next. I think other people should read it.
4 stars
Emily U., 5th grade
Karana is a twelve year old girl who gets left behind on the Island of the Blue Dolphins. Every now and then she gets visitors "the aleuts". They come to hunt for otter. Karana is smart so she stays alive for many years by herself by building a house and making canous. She also makes wepons to try to kill her enimes "the wild dogs". she finds lots of friends to comfort her while she waits.
My thoughts about the book:
I absolutly loved the book. It was my favorite book ever!
Kalley L. 5th Grade
4 stars
Karana and her tribe is minding their own bussness and Aleuts,Russians, come to the island to hunt otter. They kill their chief and wound many of the Ghalas-at Soldiers. Ramo died and the tribe gets taken away and Karana is all by herself.
Very good I would recomend it to others and read it again.4 star.
Robert 5th
summery of the blue dolphins
Island of the blue dolphins was really exciting. I was happy in some parts and sad in others.I really liked the book alot. I would recomend the book to any one who like suprise and a little of all the emotions in a book.
Kaitlyn W., 5th
4 stars
Karana was stranded on an island and made weapons to protect herself.She made a friend that was a dog and she named the dog rontu.They went through everything together.They fought a devil fish.Then rontu dies and karana starts to feel really sad and burys him on the headlands and covered the grave with different color pebbles.Then people take karana off the island and to a santa barbra.
It was a good book cause it had alot of of exploring,sad and happy moments.
4 stars
Josh B., 5th
A tribe lived on an island who lived in a village called Ghalas-at. One day white men took the tribe away but left Karana and her brother Ramo. In this exciting novel a girl fights for her life against dogs, animals, and The Island of the Blue Dolphins itself.
It was filled with suspense and was a very good book two thumbs up!
4 Stars
Tadd W., 5th
the Island of the blue Dolphins
was about a ship that selled to the Island and kild allmost all the min so they sint a man to find some won that would take them of the ilahd so they fawnd them and a girl on the iland was laft on the iland and her advinture.
it was one of the best book ive ever read. 4 stars
Justin L. 5th grade
Island of the Blue Dolphins is a book about a twelve year old girl named Karana.She lives on the Island of the Blue Dolphins. One day the Aluets came and asked if they can kill the sea otters. So when they were about to leave they were being sneaky and there was a battle.
I loved that book I recomend it. It keeps you focesed and interested. This is one awesome book
Laney T 5th grade
5 stars
Karana got stranded on the island of the blue dolphins and has to survive until the white men come. She makes many friends and a shelter for her to survive. The Aluets come and she also has another problem, a girl came and found her
My thoughts:
It was very active and mysterious, I would recomed it to everybody.
Alexis S. 5th Grade
4 Stars
A young girl named Karana is in the tribe of Galas-at. When the aleuts kill her father, The cheif, they promote a new cheif. But when she gets stranded on the island she has to go against her tribes culture. She makes friends with the animals. and she is finally saved.
My thoughts on the book:
This book was great because it shows that women can survive like men.
Codie S. 5th grade
4 stars
Karanaa 12 year old girg gets stranded on an island with her brother.The loss of her brother took a toll on her and so she captures a dog and it becomes her pet. she meets many animals an a girl named Tutok and soon she learns life on the island is not so bad.
I thought the book was good because it was a big adventure in itself.
4 stars
Jacob C.,5th grade
Karana gets stranded on an island, and is forced to live on her own. With the worries of of the wild dogs coming, or the Aluets coming back. At the end of the story Karana gets rescued and goes to the island of Santa Barbara.
I thought is was and awesome book!!! There was a lot of adventure!
4 stars
Claire E.,
A girl named Karana lived on the island Ghalas-at where her father was killed by the Aluets. She was left behind because her brother Ramo was still on the island when the ship was leaving. Ramo was killed by the wild dogs on the island. Karana tamed a wild dog and named it Rontu but he died and Karana found his son. When the white men came to the island to hunt otter, they found Karana. She left the island with them but the rest of her tribe on the old boat died in a boat crash. Kimki, the second leader, was the only person in the tribe that made it to the island besides Karana.
3 stars
Tevin w., 5th Grade
This is a storythat the aluetscome and kill alot of their people. Then the white men came and took all the rest of their people exept Karanna and her brother ,Ramo,. Then the wild dogs killed her brother. She met the leader and he became her pet. She met a girl named Tutok. After alot of years of being stranded she was saved by whitemen.
I thought the book was exelent because it made me have feelings and I always wanted to keep reading!
5 stars
Sidney W., 5th
Young Karana, the daughter of her tribe's chief, has found herself in a terrible situation. After the Aluets offer to take her tribe to the "new world", her brother Ramo gets left behind on the island. Karana throws herself off the ship to go and get Ramo. When the two children are left on the island, and Ramo gets killed by a pack of wild dogs, Karana will have to keep herself alive, and will make some friends along the way.
I really liked this book because it was very descriptive and very dramatic. It also shows the struggles about how hard it is to work with raw materials and to live alone.
5 stars
Caroline C., 5th
There was a girl named karana who got stranded on an island by following her brother. Her brother her brother died of a pack of wild dogs. and she made some weapons and her tribe didnt allow femals to make weapons to hunt but she had to to survive the wilderness.And then she raised some birds and a dog.
Kaden C. 5th grade
A girl named Karana lived on the island Ghalas-at where her father was killed by the Aluets. She was left behind because her brother Ramo was still on the island when the ship was leaving. Ramo was killed by the wild dogs on the island. Karana tamed a wild dog and named it Rontu but he died and Karana found his son. When the white men came to the island to hunt otter, they found Karana. She left the island with them but the rest of her tribe on the old boat died in a boat crash. Kimki, the second leader, was the only person in the tribe that made it to the island besides Karana.
3 stars
Tevin W., 5th Grade
Karana and her brother Ramo where lefted on the island.Ramo was killed by the wild dogs Karana swears to go kill them. She shoots the leader with an arrow and then neares it back to health and keeps him as a pet. when Rontu dies she finds his son and keeps Rontus son.
I liked the book beause it had adventure and you would never know what would happen next!!
4 stars
Jamie T., 5th grade
Alules come to the island. then they start killing animols. Next they kill the leader and others. a new cheif leaves for another island. then a boat comes to take them to him but ramo forgot somthing and now there both stranded on the island. next ramo dies by wolfs. then karana wait for the boat to return. then many suns later a boat come and she get her pets and sails away to were her chief is.
I would recommend it too others because its so ixaiting.
4 stars
Nick L., 5th
A girl named Karana lived on the island Ghalas-at where her father was killed by the Aluets. She was left behind because her brother Ramo was still on the island when the ship was leaving. Ramo was killed by the wild dogs on the island. Karana tamed a wild dog and named it Rontu but he died and Karana found his son. When the white men came to the island to hunt otter, they found Karana. She left the island with them but the rest of her tribe on the old boat died in a boat crash. Kimki, the second leader, was the only person in the tribe that made it to the island besides Karana.
3 stars
Tevin W., 5th Grade
This book is about a young native American girl who lives with her tribe on Ghalas-at. when the white men come to take them to a new home, her brother, Ramo gets left and Karana, the girl, jumps off the ship to go stay with Ramo. When Ramo is killed by wild dogs Karana takes the leader who was actually left behind by the white men, she names him Rontu. They have all sorts of adventures on the island. Eventually Rontu dies and she takes his son and names him Rontu-Aru And the white men finally come to get them.
I thought it was a great book because it was filled with action and adventure.
3 stars
Josh S. 5th
In this book Karana and Ramo are left behind on an island after the people of the their tribe died in a fight and the rest left to go to a new island. Ramo, who is six, later gets attacked by wild dogs and dies.Later on, Karana saves and keeps a wild dog that she shot with her bow and arrow.Then the white men come and find her a few years later.
I thought it was a good book because it was based on a true story.
I gave it three stars. It was a good book.
3 stars
Kaitlyn S. 5th grade
12 year old Karana is stuck on an island by her self. After her brother died by wild dogs. she almost killed the head of the pack but she kept it as a pet. She rased many other animals. She was lonly without pepole but Karana had her animals. Karana stayed for many years while Karana had many strugles. She soon got rescued.
I loved this book it exciting yet sad. it is a great adventure.
5 stars
Lauren K., 5th
This book is about karana, a girl stranded on an island and has tough challenges ahead of her. Later she makes friends with the animal such as wild dogs and cormorants. Then at the end she gets rescued by white men that came to hunt sea otter.She packed her cormorant skirt and otter cape.
I think it was a great book because it had a lot of adventure and I would reccomend it to others.
4 stars
Ryan W. 5th grade
Karana and her brother Ramo and sister Ulapape and Karana's father and there tribe lived on a island of Galast-at. The aluets came and there father let them have halfof the island to kill the otter.Then the aluets left and they killed Karana's fatherin a fight because they did not give some of the otter to them.The next leader went to go find a new islandfor them . Karana and her brother got left behind. Then her brother died . Finallythe nice aluests came and she went to a island with them.
4 stars
Rylie R. 5th grade
Karana and her tribe live on the island of the dolphins. One day a ship comes and the tribe gets on. Karana jumps off though because Ramo (her brother) is still on the island. Ramo gets killed by wild dogs, so Karana is living on the island with only her pets. Many years passed and finally a ship comes and takes Karana and her pets away.
I thought the book was great because it had alot of emotion that made you feel what the character was feeling. It was filled with adventure.
4 stars
Olivia T.
5th grade
Karana is stuck on The Island of the Blue Dolphins Everyday she waits for her people to come and rescue her. She is faced with suprising challenges like,deaths in her family.She finds friends but she hasn't heard the voice of a human for years.Eventually, white men come and rescue her and she takes all of her animal friends with her.
I thought it was a very good book. It had adventures and suprises.
4 stars= It was a good book and I recommend it to others
Madi A. 5th grade
It is about this girl named Karana. She is stranded on an island with her brother. Later on her brother is killed by wild dogs. shes all alone but not for long. she finally makes friends with the animals.
4 stars
This book was great because it had alot of action and was the very best.
John Austin S. 5th grade
This is a story about a girl named Karana who is in a indian tribe that lives on the island of Ghalas-at. They all are moving to a new island but the boat leaves without her little brother Ramo. She jumps off the boat so he won't be alone. Ramo gets eaten by a pack of wild dogs. White men come to the island and take Karana back to Santa Barbara.
I liked this book because it was filled with action and adventure.
4 stars
Grace F., 5th grade
Karana is a young indian girl who gets left on her tribe's island. Karana had to fend for herself for many years. She had to deal with the pack of wsild dogs. She makes do with what she had and she relized that it wasn't too bad. She makes friends with one of the dogs, the leader. She had spend many years on the Island of the Blue Dolphins untill one day when the white men return for her.
This book was very good! It took you on the thrilling adventures of Karan and her way of surviving.
4 stars
Caroline C. 5th Grade
Aluets came to the Island of the Blue Dolphins and tricked the indians living there. So they decided to move to a different island. When they were on the ship Karana noticed that her little brother was left on the island so she swam back to the island to rescue him. While Karana was on the island her brother died and the ship never came back to rescue her but a different ship did.
I thought the book was great because in some parts i almost started to cry and feelings came to me.
4 stars
Hannah S. 5th Grade
This about a girl named Karana who lived on Island of the Blue Dolhpins. While she is on the island she wais for her people to come and rescue her. Many years past and never got rescued from her people. Will she get rescued or will she stay on the Island of the Dolphins?
This book was great because this has adventure.
4 stars.
Conner R. 5thgrade
This book is about a young girl named Karana who was left on the Island Of The Blue Dolphins. For years she had to fend for herself and her animal friends. Battling wild dogs and making wepons she was very happy. If you want to know if she gets rescued or not you will have to read this book.
It was a very interesting book because every day I wanted to know if she would get rescued or not.
5 stars
Akiko T. 5th grade
The Island of the Blue Dolphins is about a girl named Karana. The island she lived on looks like a big fish sunning itself in the sea. She and her family are moving to a island east. Her brother is being left and she jumps off the ship to be with him. She is on the island for many years and finds ways to survive and find friends.
I thought it was a great book because this book makes yourself sit on the edge of your seat and you want to read more.
4 stars
Travis B. 5th grade
Karana was living on Island of the Blue Dolphins. Life was great, but when the aluets came and killed almost all of the men including her father. The new leader Kimki sailed to a different island. When he sent a ship back to save them and Karana is left will she survive?
It was great but not awesome but it made me want to go to class every day
3 stars
Kyle C. 5th grade
The Island of the Blue Dolphins is about a girl named Karana. Who tells her brother to stay with her but he dosn't stay and as she is geting on a ship has to jump over boad. Karana and her brother Ramo have to stay on the island until a new ship comes to get them.
I really loved the Island of the Blue Dolphins. I thought it was a touching story.
4 stars
Michaela R. 5th grade
This book is about a girl who gets left behind when her tribe leaves the Island of the Blue Dolpins. She builds seleter, makes weapons to fight the wild dogs, and finds food. She hopes every day that her tribe will come back and rescue her.
I thought it was a great book because it had a lot of action and adventure.
4 stars
Alex A. 5th grade
There was a girl named Karana she lived in a village of Ghala-sat. Once an aluet ship came. The Captain of the ship killed Karanas dad and left. Many seasons after a ship came and took the people to another island. Then Karana jumped off the boat and swam to the island and stayed with her brother Ramo. After a season her brother died from wild dogs eating him. Then after a couple of seasons later a ship came and the men on it found her and took her to were they lived.
I loved this book. It taught you about survival and how she felt on the island. It was the best book yet.
4 stars
Parker K. ,5th
Island of the Blue Dolfhins is about an indian girl who's name is Karana and her and her brother Ramo. Ramo dies and now she is by herself hopping somebody will come to rescue her. While she is there she builds a shelter and lives there with a dog. After 18 horrible years white men come to rescue her and all of her pets.
I thought that this book was really interesting because she's there by herself and ends up geting rescued after 18 years.
4 stars
Victoria M. 5th grade
Karana is a young girl who lives on a island with her people. Her father is killed by aluets all of her people are all going to leave the island but her brother is left behind. So she jumps off the boat and swims back but soon after that her brothe is killed. She is forced to live on the island a lone. Will she stay alive or will she die?
This book was great. It had a little bit of everything in it.
4 stars
Travis O. 5th grade
Island of the Blue Dolphins is a book sent on adventure every step of the way.What you will find is a young girl facing the dangres of of the devilfish,wild dogs,and the lost of many family ofher family members.Karana is this girls name facing all of these dangers and now with these dangers she's forced to be alone on the Island of the Blue Dolphins. this book is a great book because of the adventure the maddness and the beaty of friendship.
4 stars
Caitlyn W. 5th grade
Karana is happy with her family. until the alutes came. now she is stranded with her brother Ramo. Ramo is kiled by the leader of the wild dogs she want's revange but she keeps the leader ands names him Rontu. she gets more pets. then the white men take her to Sanabarbra,Calaforna
It was a great book it was emotional and adventurous
4 stars
Sam C.
The Island of the Blue Dolpfins is about a native girl who gets left on the island when her people leave. This story tells how she lived on the island alone for many years,how she felt duing the years alone,how she suffers but also makes new friends and finds herself.
I think it was an amazing book, i thin this because it was ritten beatifully and sounded like it was coming from Karana and how she felt.
Four stars
Maia B. 5 grade
Karana's father was killed by the Aleuts. Everyone had left the island accept for her and her brother, Ramo, who was killed by wild dogs on the island. Now Karana is alone on the island sometimes scared, but most of the time brave. She figures out that you should not kill wildlife, you should be it's friend. Which leads her to getting many pets. At the end of the book she gets rescued, packs up, and sails to another island.
I loved this book because there was always an exiting adventure going on. Why does every book have awesome characters die?
4 stars
Meridith C. 5th grade
This book is about a girl named Karana who is left on the island where her people lived until they tried sailing to a new island. She has to find ways to survive by herself which may lead to breaking some of her peoples rules. Also along the way she incounters some friends to help her stay sane and to be with her through tough times. Then after a long time of being stranded on the island a ship comes to rescue her but also brings a sad tale.
It was a good book because it had alot of action and adventure. Also it wasn't the best because my favorite character dies.
3 stars
Sean G.,5th grade
Island of the Blue Dolphins was about a young lady named Karana and her tribe on the island. On a summer day the Alutes or Rushins came to the island to hunt for otter. The tribe was not trusting the Alutes when they where on the island because the last alute ship that came made them do all the work and left with no rewared. But soon they lost a lot of people from there tribe by the war they had with the Alutes. the tribe desided to go north to a different island. Ramo wanted his spear and got left behind karana jumed out of the bout and got left behind to. they had lots of great adventures on the island.
I loved the book because it was sad, happy, and adventure.I would recumend it to others.
4 or 5 stars.
Sarah S. 5th Grade
Aleuts came to Galasat and made a deal with the nativs.White men took the tribe to an eastrn place across the sea.Karana and Romo are left behind.Karana's brother dies by the wild dogs.Karana makes friends with the animals.White men take Karana earsrn across the sea.
I liked it becas there is some adventure action in it.
4 stars
Ben A. 5th grade
In this novel there are indians that live on this island. Everyone else sails east. She was left behind. She was brave, fought her enemies, and made shelter.She knew if there was a fire the whitemen would come to the island. Luckily for her it worked, and she was saved.
Angela J. 5th grade
In this book, Karana lives at Golasat until Aluets come to the island to hunt otter. When the Aluets betray her tribe, there is a battle and after they leave Karanas father is killed. One day another ship comes but it's friendly. Everyone gets on except Ramo who went to get his fishing spear. Karana jumps off, her brother is killed by wild dogs, and Karana makes a house. She had 2 dogs and then another six cormorants. After a while she is rescued by other white men.
I liked the book because it kept me interested and I was glued to it because it also had excitement, dramatic times, and was like a thrilling roller coaster.
4 stars
by Zimri R., 5th grade
Karana's people leave the island she lives on. She stays behind with her brother Ramo. He is killed by wild dogs. She is alone, but gets bet birds and a dog. She survives alone until a ship takes her to be with other people and off the island.
I really liked the book because it was exciting and realistically written.
4 stars
by Abigail W., 5tj grade
Karana goes on a island with her family. After she has her family die and the boat leaves her she is in big trouble. She builds a home in the cave to live in. She makes friends with a girl from the Aleuts and finds a dog named Ronntu. But can she live on her own on the island?
I didn't like it much because I like adventures but I had no interest in that book.
2 stars
by Kyle S., 5th grade
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