2006 Newbery Honor
What was it like to be a teenager in Germany under Hitler? Bartoletti draws on oral histories, diaries, letters, and her own extensive interviews with Holocaust survivors, Hitler Youth, resisters, and bystanders to tell the history from the viewpoints of people who were there.
Comments below by: Josh B., 6th grade; Brad S., 6th grade
This book is about Hitler's youth: one of the most brutal armies in the world. Hitler's youth could have people that are three years old fighting. Hitler was the worst person ever.
I thought it was a good read.
4 stars
by Josh B., 6th grade
It is about Hitler's youth and while he was young. It is also about what he did during the wars. It helps you understand lots of stuff, too.
It was an adventurous journey about Hitler and what he did.
3 stars
by Brad S., 6th grade
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