1972 Newbery Medal
The rats of NIMH learn more than the scientists bargain for. They escape and embark on an adventurous mission of mercy to save the orphaned family of a brave fieldmouse colleague. A story that is as engrossing as it is unusual. (9-11 yrs) (Kirkus UK) --Kirkus Review
Comments below by: Stone K., 6th grade and Cassie N., 3rd grade, Tadd W., Caroline C., Meridith C., Logan B., Parker K., Travis O., Ben A., Alex A., Grace F., Ryan W.
Mrs. Frisby and her kids are in danger! The farmer might get his plow and plow over their house. One of Mrs. Frisby's kids has pneumonia and can't be moved unless it is very gently. Mrs. Frisby decides to visit the Rats of NIMH, a group of lab rats, for help. Will the rats' plan work?
I loved this book because of all the action and adventure.
4 stars
by Stone K., 6th grade
It was such a good book but I almost cried at the end because it makes you think that Justin dies. Don't forget poor Timothy with pneumonia. It's good that Brutus survives.
It was my favorite book in the world because it has lots of drama.
4 stars
by Cassie N., 3rd grade
It was a great book. At times it got so dramatic I forgot it was fantasy.
4 stars
by Tadd W., 5th grade
The book was great and full of adventure.
4 stars
by Caroline C., 5th grade
It was great! I loved how it would go back in time while the rats were telling stories!
4 stars
by Meridith C., 5th grade
I thought it was a good book and my favorite rat was Mr. Ages.
3 stars
by Logan B., 5th grade
This book is like you thinking you're in the book, like one of the characters. So I think this book is the greatest book ever.
4 stars.
Parker K., 5th grade
It was a great book because it had a lot of adventure in it.
4 stars
by Travis O, 5th grade
I liked the story that Nicodemus told Mrs. Frisby.
4 stars
by Ben A., 5th grade
It was extraordinary and I loved it because there was a lot of action and drama.
4 stars
by Alex A., 5th grade
I liked the book a lot. It was a great story and I recommend it to others.
4 stars
by Grace F., 5th grade
I think it was a well written book, and it was easy to read.
2 stars
by Ryan W., 5th grade
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