Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Lauren Baker x2

Lauren B. will comment on two books that she has read.


Nebbie Library said...

Olive's Ocean by Ken Hinkes

Newbery Honor

Martha and Olive are in the same school grade. But when she finds out that all of her secrets are the same as Olives she is very curios!! Now she wants to be Olives friend , but when she dies in a horrible bike accident, she is more than curious.

By: Lauren B.

Anonymous said...

Because of Winn Dixie Kate DiCamillo

When a girl named Opal traveled to Naomi,Florida with her father she didn't know what to expect1 but when she makes her dad say ten things about her mama that left both of them when she was only three years old she realizes that this is why she came here!!!! and soon she makes a friend its a dag named Winn Dixie! she named her after a grocery store
well actually she was at that grocery store right then1 and soon they became best friends!!

By : Lauren Baker:)