Monday, January 30, 2012

Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH / comments by Ms. Lacson's 5th grade

Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH by Robert O'Brien

Directions: Click on "Comments" below and do the following: First... Write 3-5 COMPLETE sentences that summarize "Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH."

Second... Write one complete sentence about why you think the book is titled "Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH."

Third... Rate the book (1 star=didn't like it; 2 stars=ok; 3 stars=good; 4 stars=great)

Finally... Type your FIRST NAME and the INITIAL of your LAST Name. ex. By Lori D. To submit, choose ANONYMOUS under User ID.


Anonymous said...

Mrs.Frisby is a widow field mouse.Life is pleasant but when her son gets pnemonia and with harvest day coming,she has no choice.Will she agree to this choice or will she trust her better instincts?

I thought it was good because it was full of action and dangerous choices.

4 stars=It was a great book

Bennett F.

Anonymous said...

Mrs.Frisby is in big trouble. Moving day is coming and she needs to move to her summer time home. But her youngest son Timothy is sick in bed with pnemonia. But when she meets the rats of NIMH they come up with a brilliant solution for her delema.

What I thought of the book : I loved the book because the adventure was endless!

my rating : 4 stars Andrew G.

Anonymous said...

A small mouse family named the Frisby's have a serious problem. Mrs. Frisby's son Timmy has pneumonia.And what makes matters worse plowing season is only five days away. Can she make it? If you want to find out look for it in your library. I thought it was gonna be weird but it turned out to be prety awesome **** stars Roberto S.

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Frisby is in trouble, moving day is soon. Which would be fine if Timothy didn't have pneumonia. He won't be getting out of the house anytime soon. Will the intelliguent Rats of NIMH help her?

The book was excellent because I could feel what happened. I liked the smart rats the most.

I rank this book 4 stars

By:Gabriel B.

Anonymous said...

Tyler C. Mrs. Frisby woke early one morning. The Frisbys lived in a burried cinder block in the Fitzgibbons garden. Her youngest son Timothy fell sick with pneumonia and they had to move out of the garden in five days!!! This was because of the Fitzgibbons plow. First, a crow named Jeremy took her to see a wise old owl in which Jeremy thought could help her. The owl told her to go to the rats. She found that the rats were very intellegent and very strong. They even moved her house next to a rock in the garden where the plow wouldn't get it! And now her problem is solved! But the rats had to move away, and she probably wouldn't ever see them again. I really liked it .
4 stars
Tyler C.

Anonymous said...

It's about a rat named Mrs.Frisby and her children.The youngest,Timothy catchs pneuomia.So she goes to Mr.Ages and he gives her the medicine.Then on the way back she finds a crow named Jeremy who is stuck in a string and Mrs.Frisby sets him free and he becomes a friend to her. Then she asked if he could take her to the owl. The owl said she needed to see the rats.The rats tell her about the story of NIMH.Then the rats move her house.Then a exterminator comes and 10 rats stay behind before moving to Thorn Valley and eight of them stay alive.Finally the Frisby's move to their new home and Timothy is nolonger sick.

I thought it was a great book.It had alot of exciting parts and really paints a picture in my mind.

I rate this book 4 stars ****

Collin R.

Anonymous said...

A widow mouse named Mrs.Frisby with four children must have a new home before the farmer crushes their home with his plow. Jeremy helps her along the way to go to the owl. The owl tells her to go to the rats. The rats move her house to the safe side of the field.
I have always loved this book because my stepdad and I would always watch the movie.
I give this book 4 stars Lauren B.

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Frisby is a common feild mouse with alot of problems. Her son is sick, moving day is coming, and she has no help. Except for the rats of course. The Rats of Nimh are a genetically altered set of rats. Can the help her with her problems?

I really liked it more than I ever would've expected to it was fast paced and adventurous.

3 Stars = It was a good book

Clay D.

Anonymous said...

A little mouse gets pneumnia and his mother has to get help because moving day is coming. So she goes and gets help from Mr.Ages while the kids are home helping Timothy (has pneumonia). Then the rats from NIHM start to help alot. The rest, you'll just have to read the book.

I think it's a great book because it has so many things happening you just want to keep reading it.

4 stars=It was a great book and i recommend it to others.

Jacob M.

Anonymous said...

Mrs.Frisby and the Rats of NIMH is about Mrs. friby and kids having to move. One of the kids are very sick. She needs help from the rats ( at first she doesn't like them)to move her house so the plow won't get her house. The story ends with the rats moving from their home and Mrs. Frisby and the kids going to their summer house and Mrs. Frisby telling them about the wild adventurs.
I thought that the book was very discriptive, exciting, and very adventurous on every chapter! I would rate the book with four stars.
Sarah S.

Anonymous said...

A mouse named Mrs.Frisby has 4 kids named Timothy, Cynthia, Martin and Teresa. Timothy has pneumonia. So Mrs.Frisby went to see a very wise owl. The owl told her to go to the rats. The rats ended up moving her house. But then the rats house gets destroyed and so they have to find a new home. But when they escape 2 rats don't live.

I thought the book was very interesting and was full of action
I gave it 4 stars.
Amberly S.

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Frisby's youngest son Tiomothy is sick with pneumonia and moving day is coming up. He won't be strong enough to move. But soon Mrs. Frisby gets help from the rats of NIMH, and they might as well be the answer to her problem.

It was a great book, because you never know what is going to happen next.

4 stars = It was a great book

Macie S.

Anonymous said...

Mrs.Frisby finds that her youngest son, Timothy, is sick with pneumonia and she wants to find help everywhere she can. She has a crazy adventure with a group of rats. She finds out the rats are going away. On the journey, some rats are killed, injured, and safe. And the Frisby family got a new house and they lived in it for a long time.

I give this story 3 stars=It was an adventurous book to me.

Anonymous said...

When it was winter time Timothy was sick with pneumonia and the doctor said it will take 3 to 5 weeks for him to feel better. Mrs.Frisby saw some rats going into the rosebush and she followed them then she saw this big rat bodygaurd. Mrs.Frisby told him her name and he let her in and she told him why she was here. After that they had a plan to move Mrs.Frisby's house so her family wouldn't get killed and it worked. Finally it was spring and her house was fine and Timothy didn't have pneumonia anymore.

I thaught it was great I loved it because I like nonfiction books that have talking animals in it. I give this book 4 stars.
By Emily G

Anonymous said...

There is a mouse named Mrs.Frisby and her son Timothy gets sick with the pheumonia. They have to move because they will die by the plow.But Timothy gets better and they are able to leave their house in time.

It was great.I would even read it again.

3stars- it was a good book

Carson D.

Anonymous said...

This book is about a mother mouse named Mrs.Frisby, she takes care of 4 mice children and she lives in the ground on a farm. She has problem her youngest son Timothy got sick with pneumonia so he can not get out from his bed but they have to hurry before the farmer plows the fields or there house with break and domolish their house who will help her?... It was a great book it had lots of suspenful events and anventures exciting parts in beginnig, middle,and end. Sarah P.

Anonymous said...

The Rats Of NIMH is about a single mother (Mrs. Frisby)that has a family. Her son Timothy is very sick. There house is about to be destroyed .Since Timothy can't walk how will they move the house? She has to get help from the rats.

I liked it because you did not know what's going to happen next. That's why I give it three stars. Grayson B.

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Frisby's youngest son Timothy gets very sick just before moving time. Mrs.Frisby decides to go and ask the rats of NIMH if they can help her. All goes well when the rats agree and they move her house so that she can live in it for a few more weeks until Timothy gets better

I liked it,it was great . I liked the dialouge alot and it was really exciting!
Rating: 4 STARS

Sarah C.

Anonymous said...

Ms.Frisby and her kids are moving. A group of rats moved into a rosebush. They can't move because the neighbors are plowing.Jonathon,Ms.Frisby"s husband, knows the rats. Timothy has pneumonia,a horrible disease. Their docter,Mr.Ages, helped them with Timothy's disease.Will Ms.Frisby get her new house with Timothy sick?
I like when she gets her new home.

I give it 3 stars!
Andrew D.

Anonymous said...

In the begining Timothy had got sick and he had pneumonia. In the middle of the book Mrs. Frisby met a couple of brave and great rats named Nicodemus,Justin,Brutus and Jenner that help her try to save Timothy. She and the rats set out on an adventure.And in the end Justin died over a gas bomb from the extermanator but luckily Timothy has gotten better over all those days and they were in piece agin.

I thought this book was great because of all the action and adventur. It is now one of my favorite books.

4 stars Cash K.

Anonymous said...

In the beginning of the book Timothy, Mrs. Frisby's son, got sick with pneumonia and couldn't go on moving day. Mrs. Frisby goes to an owl that tells her to go to the rats of NIMH. She went to the rats and explained that Timothy is sick and moving day is coming. So the rats decided to move Mrs. Frisby into the "lee of the stone". Then when Timothy got better they moved into their summer home.

I thought it was amazing and interesting.

4 stars
Hayden K.

Anonymous said...

When Mrs.Fisby's youngest son Timothy falls sick near moving day, she has to find a way to get to her nice,warm summer home, with out Timothy getting sicker or dying.As she ties to think of ideas she finds out about the rats of NIMH and her husband.This is where her adventure begins.

I thought it was a very fun exciting and great to read.

5 stars=it was a awesome book and I would totaly recommend it to others.
